Sunday, May 17, 2009

Change of plans.

Every time I think about writing the bitch blog I get weighed down with a headache. So, instead I will WHINE.

For a VERY long time I have felt like crap. No energy. No enthusiasm. Muscles extremely weak. When I don't absolutely have to go somewhere I sit in the apartment and wonder if I should take another NAP.

Yesterday a thought came to mind and I looked up "symptoms of anemia"--(I have been anemic my whole life). may put my picture next to the list!

I did something RED by the ones I can relate to.

Symptoms common to many types of anemia include the following:

XEasy fatigue and loss of energy
XUnusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise
XShortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise
XDifficulty concentrating
Pale skin (I'm always pale, so I didn't count this one) LOL
XLeg cramps

Other symptoms are associated with specific forms of anemia.

Anemia caused by iron deficiency:

XHunger for strange substances such as paper, ICE , or dirt (a condition called pica).
Upward curvature of the nails referred to as koilonychias.
XSoreness of the mouth with cracks at the corners.

Anemia caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency:

XA tingling, "pins and needles" sensation in the hands or feet.

XLoss of sense of touch.
XA wobbly gait and difficulty walking.
XClumsiness and stiffness of the arms and legs.
Hallucinations, paranoia and schizophrenia. THANK GOODNESS it hasn't come to these yet!

Sooooo...I researched RDAs for B12, Folic acid and Iron and went shopping.
I guess I have officially arrived in 'old farthood'. Tomorrow its GNC for B12 and Folic acid!
It is nice to have HOPE again. To see/feel every day if there is an improvement in my energy.
ANYWAY---I figure the bitching stems from the irritability that fatigue causes.