Monday, September 29, 2008

Heart of a Hibiscus

See how the shadows make a HEART in the lower left part of the hibiscus? I thought that was so neat.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bill! Stop the car!!!

I have a horrible addiction. I cannot pass a pile of trash without slowing the car and craning my neck. My heartrate goes up, my breathing shallows and that 'little kid on Christmas eve' feeling comes over me. Oh, the anticipation! Will I find something with incredible potential? A great piece of furniture? Color? Texture? Shape? Character ? The first Barbie Mattel made...still in the box? Admittedly the Barbie would be a nice find, but the addiction is not for is for POTENTIAL. POSSIBILITIES. The moment when I can make something to which people will respond, "You got that out of the TRASH?! OMG! Thats awesome!"

I have to assume I come by this affliction through genetics. As a kid I remember riding along in the backseat of the family car...probably aggravating my brother in some way only a big sister can, when suddenly I would hear those awful words--"Bill!!! Stop the car! There's TRASH back there! Turn around! Turn around!" Talk about humiliating your pre-teen daughter! I would slink down in the backseat and PRAY that no one who knew us would see our car or my PARENTS digging through TRASH.

That was back in the sixties. Fast forward to 2008. Both my parents are gone now. I HAVE TAKEN UP THE REINS. Only now I live in an apartment and the trash is all consolidated to this one area in the back. Not the GARBAGE, mind you. The TRASH. (there ARE certain STANDARDS to maintain, after all!). Whenever someone moves out and leaves STUFF behind, the 'guys' drag it to that glorious treasure corner at the back of the complex.

Enter, Shirley. latest temptation is pictured above. It has been there for a week. I am fighting it. I-AM-FIGHTING-IT!!! I mean, I am in a 720 sq ft apartment that is already full of furniture and STUFF. I have NO room for it, don't need it and frankly I don't want to climb over the other ca-ca to get it outta there. What on earth could I possibly DO with a PURPLE WICKER LOVESEAT? NO! NO! a thousand times NO!

hmmmmm.............I wonder if my girlfriend could use it?
: D

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The weight of a prayer

Prayers. I wonder about prayers. You know the prayers you might say routinely...the LORD'S PRAYER, the Grace you say over dinner, bedtime prayers...the ones you don't really think about, you just say the words----I those prayers carry any more or less influence with GOD than the ones you say from your heart---the ones you can FEEL when you say them? This IS rhetorical, by the way...I am really looking for the answer in my heart.

I am wondering this now because of some people I have recently 'met'.

StephanieNielson. Her husband, Christian. Her sister Courtney. Other sisters

(LUCY and PAGE come to mind), brother and sister-in-law. And the Neilson CHILDREN...Claire, Jane, Ollie and GiGs. Oh yeah...and their dog, JIMMY!

MR. AND MRS. NEILSON, with their friend and flight instructor Doug Kinneard, were in a plane crash in Arizona on AUGUST 16, 2008. Mr. Kinneard succumbed to his injuries after reaching the hospital. CHRISTIAN was burned over more than 30% of his body. STEPHANIE was burned over more than 80% of her body. HE is 29. SHE is 27, and she is a Mommy Blogger. .

While Stephanie recovers, her sister COURTNEY has been keeping the world updated on the family's well being and Stephanie and Christian's progress. Courtney's blog is here:


for now, GO. READ.

I will go pray. Some of the real ones...the kind ya FEEL .