These are the pieces with which I opened my ETSY shop! It is a scary venture, I'll tell ya!
First of all, the whole process
had me scared. Write a bio, make a banner, pick an avatar. write shop policies...and so on. All I knew about an AVATAR at that point was what I had seen on CSI:NY and it was pretty strange...LOL. The first few weeks of this 'planning stage' I worked on possible names and banners. And I worked on crafts. As usual I started a few that ended up in the proverbial rag-bag. Then came the tassles. I kinda like my tassles. I just don't know if anyone else will be as in love with the idea of hanging hunks of yarn and fibers in their house as decorations. I hope so. Anyway, I have to bead those up a little more before I put them online. Besides worrying about the OPENING process of an ETSY shop there is another big concern. IS MY WORK GOOD ENOUGH? WHAT IF
EVERYBODY WANTS IT? whatif whatif whatif??? AAARRRRGGGHHH!Okay, fast forward to October 30. Well, I mean fast forward from the months of agonizing over all of it. As I tend to do I just JUMPED. I went on ETSY and just went for it. It wasn't so bad. I made it up as I went along (the bio and stuff, I mean)--they kind of walk ya through it. Next thing I knew I had my own shop! Now comes the REALLY scary part!
By the way, the name of the shop is
RUSTY HEART and here is the link: RUSTYHEART.ETSY.comNow it seems there is something wrong with my camera.
: ( I am HOPING that it is NOT actually the camera but the memory card. When I put it in the computer the last time it brought up a notice that said "memory card needs to be reformatted". I got out the camera box to get the USB cable but it wasn't there. I'm bummed. I am SO hoping its the card and not the camera!! You can't have an ETSY shop without a (good) camera. Besides, I have some GREAT lace I need to get pics of to put in my shop! I guess we'll see. : /