The Link:
(pic borrowed from sister Liz--hope she won't mind :\)
First let me talk about GYMBOREE play and music centers (owned by TOT-BOT) closing here in Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties (FL). Apparently they were pretty rude about it--Didn't even tell the franchise owners till the day it was done. The owners, in good faith, had sold packages right up till the end. Other bay area play centers are offering specials for parents who got stuck in that debacle. (Here comes the pitch...) PlayMania Tampa will honor Gymboree packages when you make an equal or greater purchase at their location. They are an independent, family owned business (my niece Whitney and her husband Todd) located in the Sweetbay shopping center at Big Bend Road and I-75 in Ruskin. The number there is (813)649-8919.
Okay. I feel like I did something nice. LOL. The fact that I have no readership is beside the point...rofl. But hey, they are good people trying to run a new business in these really crumby times. Ya ought to go sign up just 'cause they're so brave!
Now, for an update on my newest 'friends' from the blog world, Stephanie and Christian Nielson.
He is now out of the burn center AND the rehab center and is going to therapy on an out-patient basis. YAY!!! And...(a drumroll here, please) Stephanie is being gradually allowed to wake up from her 10 week sleep!!!!! It is so emotional, reading cjane's blog---and Jaimee Rose's articles
After fiery plane crash, a sister is held even closer . I am totally in love with that whole family, all 40 or 50 of them...LOL. J/K there, but ya do almost need a program to remember everyone. (There are 11 siblings in Christian's family and 9 in Stephanie's. Add husbands, wives and kids and...well, sometimes I forget who belongs to whom. (whom? is that right?) If you have no clue what I'm talking about click on the 'Cjane Enjoy It' button on the right and/or read the Jaimee Rose article. Bring tissues. Saturday night Mindy Gledhill did a benefit concert for the family and S&C's daughters got on stage to join in singing "Golden Slumbers", a lullaby, for their mom.
Talk about a boo-hoo!
5 days ago